An inside look at the job of Scott Agnew, Athletic Director at Cherokee High School


Well, this is it, it has come to an end. As I wrap up my course and have had time to reflect, I have learned so much from this experience and have come out of it with an amplitude of knowledge that I previously did not have. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend some time with Mr. Agnew and learn more about being an Athletic Director. My time with him only added to my interest of one day possibly becoming an athletic director, just like him.

I loved learning everything I wanted to know about being an Athletic Director and what it takes to become one. I hope you have learned something too, and maybe this blog has piqued your interest in this profession. If not, I hope you thought it was interesting getting this perspective, because no one has ever made a blog covering a high school athletic director. One thing that did not turn out as I expected was, I did not get to take any pictures or videos from inside the high school, which is a district policy. I wish I could have shared that with you, but I understand it is for the safety of the students. 

In my opinion, these were my two best posts, and I think you’d agree with me as they were brimming with knowledge:

Alex Zanolle signing off! Thank you for following along!

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